Most cultural critics give a star rating. However, we at The No Show rate our cultural artifacts on a much more demanding level – the Shatner Scale. Roughly speaking, this calibrates as follows:
Kirk = ***** Hooker = **** Denny Crane = *** Miss Congeniality = ** A cameo in Quincy = * (or ********* if you really liked Quincy and Star Trek)
For non-Shat fans, here's a simple three point guide to accompany The Shatner Scale.
Yes: You should, see, read, listen to or do it. No: You should not see, read, listen to or do it. Maybe: Make your own bloody mind up. What are we, your mother? And it just means Maybe.
"wow this makes you the worst critic in the world... i cant believe they allow people like you to post on the internet, im not saying this is the best album in the world, but a blatant attack on a band with a HUGE fan base with nothing more to complain about than pictures or hairstyles is just rediculous! maybe the reason you dont like nickelback is that you were listening to them when even your hand got tired of playing with your dick..." - Anonymous, in response to a less than favourable review of the new Nickelback album (which sucks)
Oh, please!! You are shit!! You would kill to have her talent, you fucking piece of shit!!! - Anonymous, in response to a less than favourable review of the new Dido album (which sucks)